I’ve enjoyed teaching people how to build a niche site empire, but feel like the scope of NoHatSEO has allowed me to share just a fraction of what I think I can offer.    In the past year I have created several products and businesses, aside from my niche site empire – the value of these businesses if I were to sell them is well into the 7 figures.  I feel this side of online biz offers a much stronger opportunity than niche sites – both in the short and the long term.   What is missing is a structured framework to help guide people down a path that is sure to create value and in turn make money.  So I’ve decided to start a new blog with my partner Han Chang.


Much like NoHatSEO, this new blog will be filled with free actionable training – but the training will be based on creating and selling a product online, not niche sites.   It will be dedicated to all the people currently working a day job, who want to make the jump to being their own boss and working from anywhere in the world.   To go along with the launch of this blog, I’m offering some in-person training.  More details below!




A 7 day fully immersive course learning everything that Han and I know about creating an online business (not niche sites).



You’d be working in Valle de Bravo, Mexico.



The course starts on May 11th at 9am and ends on May 17th at 5pm.  Feel free to come a little bit early or leave a little bit later, but you will need to be in Valle for at least those 7 days.



I’d choose up to 10 different people for this, making this more of a group experience where you can meet new peers and learn and grow together.



This would be a week long trip that would be more like a school than anything else.   During the week, Han and I would teach a course on how to research, create and run an online business.  We’d show real-life examples every step of the way showcasing our own products and businesses.


You’d come up with a product idea, we’d start product development, and I’d expect to have a very good idea by the end of the week as to whether this business has legs or not.   After the week if all goes well we’d continue this project remotely (either as a joint venture or a continuation of the course).  We’d also spend some time looking at your own existing online businesses, how to increase traffic, convert existing and future traffic into customers, and maximize the life-time value of those customers.


Work Hours

I’d work with the group directly for at least 30 hours, likely more.  This is cram time so I’d expect you to work more like 60 hours.  We’d take breaks, play sports and have a good time too of course.


What it Costs

You will pay for getting yourself over to Valle on May 10 (Mexico City is the closest airport).   Return flights from anywhere in the US should run you around $500.  You should also budget another $50 each way for my driver to pick you up and drop you off.


$65/day for a double room with private bathroom in the retreat we will be staying at.

$30/day for 2 home-cooked, organic meals, as well as snacks and drinks throughout the day.


The actual course itself will be donation-based.  Pay what you feel it’s worth after it’s over, including flexible payment plans.   We can also go over the options of partnering on the project you selected or continuing the course remotely.



My Hidden Agenda

I am actively looking for creative partners or employees that have freedom of place – working from Valle for at least a week every month (or living there for a few months).  This is partially a testing ground for anyone interested in something like this.


Mandatory Skills/Traits

– A history of entrepreneurial tendency

– Basic programming experience (at the very least the ability to write pseudo code and be comfortable managing programmers).

– Have the blessings of your spouse/significant others.   Don’t apply if they will hate you for this.

– Consider yourself a Growth Hacker – http://www.quicksprout.com/the-definitive-guide-to-growth-hacking-chapter-1/



Big Bonus Skills/Traits

These are not mandatory but are big bonuses (partially because of some of the projects I have in mind, and partially because I like these things too!).

– Self-employed

– Spanish Fluency

– Interest in sports

– Interest in video games

– Experience designing apps

– Experience with SAAS

– Flexibility of place for the next 6 months.  You will learn a lot in 1 week, but there will be much more to learn, and I’d like the option to work in person at least half the time if we continue the relationship.  So preference will be given to applicants that can spend at least 1 week per month in Mexico, Toronto or San Francisco for the next 6 or so months.



How to Apply

Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Mexico Course Application”. Provide a background of your online history and any current online businesses you are currently running. Research flight costs for these dates and know whether this is within your budget.  Include any relevant points under the skills/traits sections (both mandatory and bonus).


I’m sure you’ll have lots of questions, so please leave them here in the comments.  Looking forward to meeting you!

  1. This is very off-topic, but I was wondering if you guys have noticed this. If you look at the website onelastreview.com in SEMrush, you’ll notice that most of its keywords rank in exactly the 11th position. I’ve noticed a few of my own sites ranking in exactly the 11th position for their main target keyword. Is this some sort of new thing Google is doing that is stopping certain websites from ranking on the first page ie. first ten results.

    I can’t believe it’s just luck that hundreds of keywords on that websites and some keywords on my own sites are stuck on exactly the 11th position. I also noticed what seemed to be a somewhat major google updatwe a few days ago, and I’m wondering if that has something to do with it. I just noticed in the last few days that this is happening. It’s like they made an algo that forces certain websites to be stuck on position 11 in the SERPs. What about you guys? It seems like it only affects keywords with 2k+ exact searches.

  2. Will you have video of this event? There are those of us who just couldn’t come as much as we would want to but I for one would still like to participate or at least learn from you…

  3. Great opportunity, I send an email almost a month ago but haven’t heard anything back, did you got my email?

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