Thanks to everyone that applied. We’ve gone over all the applications and selected 4 people to come down and work on 2 different projects. We’re going to keep this open and continue to accept applications as Hayden is constantly buying businesses that need a smart, self-driven person to run them.

Well….. all the NoHat kids have grown up and left home. They’re spread all over the world now. Their sites are ranked, they’ve sold their leads, cashed their affiliate checks and some have even sold out.

Max is in Bangkok, James & Derek are in Saigon, Glen is in Nepal, and Mathias finally got to retire from his internet business and achieve his dream of getting a job doing manual labour. But Hayden and I are still here.

After winding down towards the end of 2015 we’re ready to go again, and we’d like you to come down to work with us here in Valle de Bravo.

If you want to move to a small village in Mexico and work on cool projects with some cool people this is for you. We are offering you the same opportunity that kickstarted the careers of over 20 location independent entrepreneurs in 2014 & 2015. This is your chance to live in an exotic location, work on cool creative projects and learn the skills and mindset you need to be a “successful” entrepreneur. Whatever the term “successful” means to you.

Part of the NHD team at the Nohat mansion

Part of the NHD team at the Nohat mansion

What’s the Opportunity?

We’ve got some big ideas, some big websites and some big dreams and we’re going to scale them! We’re not talking about the the old “add more content” trick here, we’ll be using these sites and the traffic they provide to launch real stand alone businesses. We’re getting crafty and creative in how we go about this so we need some help down here. We’re even going to hire a friend for you to hang out with so you won’t be alone. They will be your friend, workmate and they will even live with you.

To start with the job will require a lot of operations such as building systems & SOP’s for scaling. We’ll be working from a business model that has worked very well for us in the past and we’ve worked out all the kinks previously, so the first 2 months will be a matter of working hard to build systems and scale ourselves out.

The real opportunity here though, is to come to Valle and be part of the next generation of entrepreneurs down here. We have a long list of businesses we want to build this year (maybe you have some ideas also) and we’ll need lots of employees and partners if we’re going to succeed. Essentially, you’ll be helping us to build, scale and automate / outsource a new business.

This time around we’ve also teamed up with Spencer Haws from Niche Pursuits, so you’ll get to work with him as well.

We are actively seeking partners for our next wave projects that are in the pipeline right now. Hayden’s been buying businesses like crazy and is looking for people to help grow and run them.

Our Story

If you’re not aware of the NoHat Digital story you can read about the community we built down here in 2014 / 2015 here, and here. Most of the people in those pictures are now location independent entrepreneurs living all over the world. They all came here for the same opportunity you are getting right now and they made sure they nailed it. If you loved reading those last few articles here is some more content from the Jewish Juggernaut, Scott Moses and a post I did that started this whole thing off.

Of course some of the guys that came here failed miserably but there’s no need to name names or circle them in any pictures, as they know who they are. The only thing that will stop you from succeeding down here is if you give up before you succeed!

What Skills Do You Need?

The only real skills you will really need is the ability to learn fast, and read and write excellent English. With that being said the following baseline skills will go along way in helping you get the job:

  • Basic WordPress skills and computer skills.
  • Advanced Google Spreadsheets / Excel skills are great.
  • Some sort of real world SEO experience, like graduating a previous NoHat internship.

What Personal Attributes Do You Need?

More important than having a bunch of skills you should be:

  • Easy going and be able to get along with most people.
  • Able to handle some pressure and not flip out.
  • Willing to live in a random small town in Mexico in a share house (with your own private room).

All the usual stuff still applies also like being driven and working hard etc…

What’s Life In Valle Like?

doers in life2

Getting To Work

We work at a nice modern cafe almost everyday. The coffee and internet are good there and it’s right in the center of town. We eat amazing local market food in the morning around 11am, usually tacos or quesadillas. We go our separate ways around mid-afternoon and hang out in the evening and on weekends.

There are tons of mountains here, and every nook and cranny of Valle offers amazing views. There’s a big lake with sailing and water sports, lots of paragliding and hang-gliding (the world championship is being held here and there are dozens of people in the air as I write), and a big sporting complex for almost any sport you can think of. We had a team in the local basketball league last year which was great fun and we’d love to start playing again if we get enough people wanting to play. There is also tennis and lots of pick up soccer down here.

On the weekend there is lots to do and we’re only 2 hours from Mexico City which is a great place to hang out. There are also some beaches we can get to by car or plane. We try to get out and about as often as we can.

There are a bunch of nice restaurants down here and one or two nice bars that we’ve had lots of fun in over the past 18 months.

In terms of what to expect with work….. In the first 2 months when you get here there will be a lot to get done so we’ll meet everyday for a quick stand up and then go about our work for the day. You don’t need to keep a strict schedule but you will need to keep deadlines if we need to ship. It shouldn’t be stressful but there might be the occasional late night to get stuff done.

We’re aiming to bring down 2 people per project so by the end of this year we should have 8-12 people down here at any one time.

What’s The Offer

You’ll get paid enough to live but not much more. We’ll review your situation after 2 months but until then you’ll be paid enough to live a nice lifestyle down here and save some cash for some cheeky weekend travel & fun if you like.

We’ll have company targets and if we meet them, cool rewards in the form of exploring Mexico’s hidden treasures.

You’ll also get paid accommodation down here and a maid to keep your place clean.

You’ll need to pay for your flights down here yourself but once you land at the airport we’ll have your back and will make sure you get settled here in Valle.

When Do You Start

The No Hat TeamWe’re ready to go now. We’ll be looking to have you down here and settled in by the end of February and be committed to staying here for at least 2 months full time. After 2 months we’ll review how everything is going and maybe offer you the option to go remote (if you like) or replace yourself and work on something else with us.

How To Apply

Jan 30 2016 Update: Round 1 Is Closed!

Thanks to everyone that applied. We’re going over all the applications now and will be in touch in the coming days. If you’d like to be considered for the next round feel free to apply and we will reach out to you when we’re ready to bring more people down.

We’ve got an application form for you to fill out. We also want you to do a quick 2 minute video for us. The details are on the application form.

—-> Here’s the form! <—-


Best of luck to you for your application! We’re excited and looking forward to building a team down here!

Scott & Hayden

  1. Hey dudes,

    Do you have anything setup for entrepreneurs who want to work on their own projects?

    I’d love to be in that atmosphere but I have my own projects to work on currently.

    • Hey Shash not just yet as we’re only starting to fire up the community again. Once we have a set up down here we’ll do another post and email about it.

  2. Hi Scott,

    Greetings from Nepal.

    I have been doing online marketing since 7-8 years. But for companies. Now I want to quit companies and start working for myself and live location free.

    To achieve this I am very interested to join the team and ready for the struggle. I will be applying all the way from Nepal. If got selected what would be the total cost that I will have to bear per month. Also please let me know the idea of onetime cost of coming there (including visa and flight costs – tentative).

    Looking forward to your warm and positive reply :)

    • Hi Paul, good question. Where we are is very safe. We don’t venture anywhere near dangerous places so we’ve never had any trouble. There are a lot of police in Valle keeping out the riff raff. We’re in the middle of the country and most of the nasty folks hang out in the north.

    • Hi Pawel, we’ll be lining up interviews this week so as soon as we have 2 winners we’ll close applications for this round.

  3. Hey, I am 3 hrs from you guys. Moved to MX a year ago. I have experience in PHP, Web design, copywriting, photography, and SEO. Would you consider someone to work independently but is available to come down for meetings? Thanks, Tom

    • Hey Tom, in this case we want people to be physically here in Valle but you’re more than welcome to swing by and visit us!

  4. This is so interesting. I am from Philippines. I am wondering what documents do I need have to enter Mexico? Passport? Visa? If it needs to have a Passport, it would take 12 weeks here in Phil to get approved. Am I still qualified if I put on the form that the date I am ready to travel will be on May?

  5. Hey Scott,

    I’m going to apply in a little bit. However, this statement is a little concerning, “We’re even going to hire a friend for you to hang out with so you won’t be alone. They will be your friend, workmate and they will even live with you.”
    Umm…. Is there an option B) To not have a creepy person watch me as I sleep? Thanks.

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