UPDATE: I am no longer selling access to Domain Digger.


After a lot of internal debate, I’ve decided to release limited paid access to my expired domain tool.   I had avoided doing this because I was worried about support related to bugs and how to use the tool, but because of the interns the tool is ready for public use, and I’ve already written the guides on how to use it efficiently.


I don’t think I need to make a sales page explaining how it works as it was all done in Part 2 of the Expired Domain series.  As long as you follow everything that going on in those videos, you will find this tool incredibly useful.   I do recommend that you try everything in those videos before buying access to the tool however, there’s a bit of a steep learning curve.



$97 gives you 30 days access:

You are limited to 3 tasks/day.   Each task will check SEOMoz metrics and domain availability for 10,000 domains.  That means you can check up to 30,000 domains per day, and up to 900,000 domains in the 30 day period!


Access to the bulk keyword competition tool.

It also gives you access to the bulk keyword competition tool.  You upload a list of keywords and it returns the competition scores of all the keywords there.






What to Expect to Find

This is not an easy course!  The technique takes a lot of practice, and is not for everyone.    It essentially speeds up the techniques taught in the free expired domain course.  If you haven’t done the free course you should do that first, and at least understand all the concepts.  Expect to spend the first week just learning, and after that you should be able to find about a dozen  $40+ value  domains (based on my domain calculator), many of which will be PR3 or higher (if that’s where you want to focus).    You may not want to purchase them all, but the more you find, the better your choice will be.


What to do with the domains you find


Sell them: 
Assuming you follow the training, most of the domains you find should be PR3+ as soon as you launch them.  With those you could try to sell them on godaddy right off the bat (readers have shown a PR3 will sell for $50-100).

Sell Text Links:
All PR3+ sites would also be eligible for selling text links on TextLinkAds or other text link brokers

Use them to Link to your Money Site:
Set them up on different hosts as part of your own private blog network and watch your money sites move up the ranks.

Set them up as money sites:
Recreate the site within a similar niche and rank them as money sites

301 Redirect them to Money Sites
I don’t personally do this, but many others have had success recreating the site, and putting a 301 redirect to one of their existing money sites (or a subpage on that money site).




This price point does not make it feasible for me to answer questions on how to find domain names.   All this should be covered in the training.   I hope you understand.




Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.  Thanks!


  1. I love the idea Hayden, I am just curious if I will be able to access it after the 7 days. When will there be a monthly subscription to the tool? I would pay for access to cut down on server load for access only on a couple days a month 15-18th or something like that for $97. Let me know if you like that idea or if I am just crazy.

    • Yes I will continue to give access to any paying members, though I may choose not to open it up to new members. I do plan on increasing access limits as well for paying members that stay on.

  2. Looking good. Can you do something about those 3 tasks a day? 9k domains /day seems very little. I harvest that amount on one Xenu project alone. Also this means we get access to training and we can choose when to start the 7 days for the tool?

    • 9k domains is a lot IF you clean the list first. By clean I mean filter out subdomains/duplicates and check on something like name.com for domain availability first. I do plan on increasing this limit by a lot for paying members after the 7 days are up, but it will be a combination of free and paid APIs and the tasks would include two passes of data. Otherwise it’s just not financially viable as the paid API is quite expensive.

  3. Hayden,

    What does your private training contain?
    I am thinking of singing up mainly for Training not Domain Digger, does the training teach complete money making website? Especially, do you give detailed instructions for link building?

    Thank you very much man,
    Previously I used to pay anywhere between $30-$100 for PR2-3 domains through auctions, now it is $10 for PR2-PR5! Which is less risky and allows me to test 15-20 domains instead of 2-3.

    Again, thanks and I will be waiting for your reply,

  4. Does the Domain Digger tool output PPR? I don’t see it doing so in the video, but that column does exist in your list of available domains.

  5. Hey Hayden, I am interested in purchasing the domain digger but just have a few questions.

    – on this page it says you get 30 days access but when I click the buy button it says 7days access can you clarify what ill get for my money?

    – dose the tool check domain availability? can I just put in the cleaned no such host xunu list and the tool will do the rest?

    – do I have to use the tool all in one go within the amount of days access you have provided? or is it based on how many url I use and the amount of time I use the tool? because I don’t think I I’m going to have 30,000 a day.

    thanks for your time, Jamie.

      • It is 30 days, I will fix that.

        Yes it checks availability.

        Just use it as much as you want within the 30 days. 30k/day is not hard :)

        Ahrefs is no longer linked to it, SEOMoz is included.


  6. Hayden, thank you very very much for some of the most comprehensive info I have ever seen buying expired domains. And I have seen all I could find in searches probably spent at least 600 hours. Also bought several PR 3 and 4 domains in December.
    Anything I can do to help, just ask I have 20 years direct marketing experience (much of it email and 7 years of it getting leads on the web).
    Just email me or we can Skype. With warm regards, Nate

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